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伞!!!md今天我就要吹爆你啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!这个图!!!居然有不打码的杰宝!【重点在哪】妈也这个Teddy啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!太阔爱了!!!伞伞的绘本太好看了(꒦໊ྀʚ꒦໊ི ) 伞伞为了肝「gao」作业「Teddy」还特意查了猕猴桃百科嗷嗷嗷,感谢露露和伞伞提供的脑洞,给大家带来一个这么立体的Teddy!也给我科普了历史知识!我只是个魔改文案的辣鸡_(:з」∠)_脑洞和Teddy都是伞和露露的!我只要挨着炖先生就好了|・ω・`)





有多人x Teddy的表现!












但是要感谢 @ImperviousChaos 和 @拖延症晚期患者松露 !感谢cc的魔改文案!!超级美!!!我他妈简直惭愧死感觉配不上这个文案……(同时也为自己的垃圾英文感到无敌羞愧……OMG)我手写太丑了就放到下面了!请大家务必仔细品品!!还有露露!!没有露露我根本不可能画这本绘本!是我的精神支撑!感谢她和我交流py脑洞!!【什么】爱她!!!



Edward小时候生活环境就不太好,穷人家孩子,再加上东区暴力横行啊什么的,麻麻在小时候就因为街头暴力什么的shi掉惹。然后Edward就经常饿肚子,在街头各种和别人抢吃的什么的,然后因为打架真的特别狠别人都怕他了就给他外号Mad Teddy。虽然中间Teddy交过几个女票吧但最后都被他吓跑惹,后来有次打完架Teddy抓起一个小哥就和人干了起来(。)然后发现了自己的性向,顺带觉得和男人干比较刺激比较带劲(。)然后就开始和别人各种搞,可能做过rentboy吧大概就那种感觉(。)然而Teddy不仅路子野,而且长得甜啊!于是一些大臣啊议员啊富豪啊什么的就看上他了,愿意给他好处来上他,然后Teddy就变成了上流社会老流氓的甜心Teddy,期间还学了一些各种礼仪啊知识啊什么的。后来Teddy被诊断为精神失常送进了Broadmoor精神病院,在那里他遇见了Ron,然后两个疯子同性恋一拍即合搞了起来。以前Teddy喜欢和人搞是因为爽、刺激、危险和生存,然而和Ron是因为他真的喜欢他,精神上能够互相理解。后来Reggie把他弟弟和他都从精神病院里捞出来,Teddy就一直跟着Ron了,跟着一起打架上床什么的。后来Kray兄弟生意上遇到麻烦再加上Francis的死让Reggie特别失控,就出了大问题,全员进了局子,那段时间发生的事情没有人清楚。但所有人都听闻Kray兄弟杀死了Mad  Teddy。






基本就是大家的娃娃脸神经病甜心Teddy了!不查资料不知道原来这个角色背后有好多东西……电影给的戏份太少了!虽然查的也是饭制维基吧但在百科上看见penchant for rough sex我也是惊了…………



还有强推一首歌!Cee Lo Green的Horny,歌词我抄在绘本最后面了,这他妈简直就是Ronnie/Teddy的cp曲……一边画着一边循环,希望大家可以去听一下感受一下!








He opened his eyes.


He saw this world named East End, a place crowded with hysteric women and jobless men, a place where robberies, sex trades and violence are rather common.

There was a badge pinned on his shirt with his name Edward on it.

He propped himself up with his arms, stood up and looked for his mother. She was eventually found in the backyard, begging on her kneels, crying for the poor wages she was supposed to get from the man. The big guy with a rough voice tried to threaten her with a shining blade. She didn’t stop begging.


He saw colourful blood spilled on the ground.

He didn't make a sound.


Convictions and Theft


Starving became a part of his life. He had to pick for scraps of food and he was forced to steal. He could get really nasty in a street fight just for a piece of bread. He punched so hard that some kids on the street got scared of him, that was how he got the nickname “Mad Teddy”.

He had slept with several girls, but the relationships always hastily ended as the frightened birds fled away from him.

One night, after a wild fight, he grabbed a boy by the collar and slammed him against the wall.


Enjoy dangerous side of homosexual relationships

Penchant for rough sex


He found it really enjoyable to sleep with men.

He liked the pain and the danger behind it.

He abandoned himself into pleasure.

He fell.


Tom Driberg sexual favour in exchange for addresses of some rich men


Some rich men took notice of the good-looking boy wandering on the street, they   started to offer him a deal. Edward found them willing to pay a great amount of internal information to have him. Not surprisingly, he doesn’t really care about whose bed he was about to sleep in.


And he became the sweetheart of the tycoons.




To most people’s surprise, Edward really loved reading. That’s the reason why he asked for a large quantity of books of all kinds as the gifts he got from the wealthy.


The books that took him into a wonderland did turned him into an intelligent boy.


Certified insane at Broadmoor  Volatile


He was sent to Broadmoor and was diagnosed as a psychopath.


He did not understand what the nurses were talking about, as well as what the purposes of the pills he was made to take.


He missed his books, and the warm beds.


Trusted by Ronnie 


He met Ronnie, a man as mad as him, they said.


He didn’t found him mad, but found himself like him.


They shagged each other.


Ron called him as a lovely little Teddy bear.


Ronnie was a gangster, and he had a brother called Reggie, who soon got both of them out of the metal hospital.


On the health certification of the mental hospital, he sighed his signature as Teddy Smith.


Nuisance and Drunk


He laughed.

He drank.

He fought.

He fucked.

He was so reckless to be with Ron.


Verbal fights   


They had quarrels. Quite a few.

And the rows always ended up in bed.




Something went wrong.


Died at the hands of the Krays


It was a real mess.

Laughters, lights, squeals.

Fragments of memories flushed through his mind.

He felt himself drowning, suffocated.

He closed his eyes.

